My name is Joseph D. Beyerlein. I am a highly experienced heating and cooling mechanic. I install, service, maintain, and repair all brands of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) equipment.
My experience covers 15 years of diverse situations that I've encountered in both home and commercial settings. I haven't seen it all but I've seen a lot and that allows me to analyze and fix problems quickly.
After working for other companies for my first 15 years in HVAC, I started Norse Heating and Air at the end of 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some said it was a hard time to start a business but I had a secret: Superb Customer Service.
Working for other HVAC companies all those years showed me better ways to get the job done and support my customers in the way that they expect.
My dad was a businessman and he drilled into my head the concept of great customer service and how it will help me build my heating and air conditioning business. He was right and that is the cornerstone of my philosophy. My goal is to retain long-term customers by keeping satisfied smiles on their faces.
"Be polite, listen to what my customer is saying, and go the extra mile to make sure the job is completed satisfactorily."
I invite you to call on me for all of your HVAC needs and to experience what all of us want: Great customer service and a job well done.
Albany, OR 97322
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